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Our Beliefs

Statement of  Faith

Church Constitution

Summary of Our Beliefs


It is important to know what one believes, for what they believe will define them as a person and set the course of their life! Without apology, therefore, we as a church are glad to be known by what we believe and teach. Following is a summary of our core beliefs.
Being a conservative, Bible-believing ministry we affirm and contend for the core, fundamental doctrines of historic Christianity. These include a belief in the verbal, plenary inspiration of the Scriptures and their inerrancy. We believe in the Triune nature of God. We believe in the virgin birth, deity, sinless life, substitutionary atonement, and literal, bodily resurrection of Christ. We hold that justification is by faith alone in Christ alone, without any addition of good works or personal merit. We hold to the resurrection of all people:  the saved to eternal life and paradise; the lost to a literal, eternal Lake of Fire.

Additionally, we hold a basic dispensationalist approach to interpreting Scripture, thus maintaining a distinction between Israel and the Church. In terms of prophecy, we hold to a pre-tribulation rapture of the Church, and we believe in the literal, visible, and pre-millennial second coming of Christ. We steer a middle course between the extremes of Calvinism on the one hand, and Arminianism on the other, though, on balance, we are closer to the Calvinistic position, but we are against the doctrine of limited atonement. (In particular, we stress the total depravity of man and the perseverance of the saints.) We also teach a literal six-day creation of the world. Finally, we hold to the importance of pursuing holiness - both personally and ecclesiastically. Hence, we stress the importance of separating oneself from worldliness and such organizations as the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches, etc. We reject the Charismatic approach and the New Evangelical philosophy of ministry. 


We are committed to the task of evangelism. In addition to each member’s involvement in personal, one-on-one evangelism, our church hosts the typical evangelistic outreaches to our community, such as Vacation Bible School and Bible study courses to which the public are invited. We also support several missionaries around the world, each of whom reports his activities regularly to our church. (One of the advantages of being an independent church is that we personally know and choose which missionaries we support:  they are not anonymous missionaries appointed by a larger denominational organization.) Every member is expected to be involved in some aspect of the ministry, utilizing the gifts God has given him for His service. Come join us and get busy growing as a Christian and serving the Lord! Fellowship with believers of like mind is essential for Christian growth and encouragement. Thus, beyond our Bible-teaching and evangelistic outreaches, we also provide opportunities for fellowship among our members.

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